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Camp Funtastic

June - August (exact dates will be posted based on school schedules)



Community Center 
1605 E. Burnley St., Camarillo


Camp Funtastic is all about having FUN in the Summer!  Children ages 5-11 are supervised by trained camp counselors at all times. Campers will participate in a variety of exciting indoor and outdoor structured activities. Each week will be a fun theme filled with activities to include field trips, crafts,  group games, sports,  movies, and more. 

Cost: Will be posted when registration opens in May

Ages: 5-11

Camp Funtastic Weekly Themes:

Week 1 California Dreamin’

Week 2 The Wild West

Week 3 Red, White, & Blue!

Week 4 Into the Wild

Week 5 Pixelated Adventures

Week 6 Camp Rocks!

Week 7 The Great Outdoors

Week 8 Sports O’ Rama

Week 9 Back to School Beach Bash


How to Register:

1. Review the enrollment packet.

2. Register or come into our office at 1605 E. Burnley St., Camarillo.


Enrollment Packet:

Enollment packet will be available at time of registration opening.



Jonathan Ballard, Recreation Specialist, 805.482.1996 x201