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Park Rangers

Park Patrol officer

Pleasant Valley Recreation & Park District's Park Rangers establish a uniformed presence in the parks during peak hours of use, late afternoons, evenings, weekends and holidays.

Park Rangers provide answers to park users’ questions, deal with concerns, and enforce District regulations. They also assist the public with picnic reservations, reminding residents to leash their dogs, and direct traffic at Special Events.

As trained Rangers, they have the authority to issue citations for the abuse of District rules and regulations. Additionally, they have the authority to tow vehicles that are left overnight on District property.

If you do see one of the Park Rangers, please take a minute to say hello and let them know what you see or want to see in the parks. Your feedback will provide us the ability to improve programs, services and facilities.

To contact a Park Ranger call (805) 432-0708.

For more information on the Park Rangers or our parks, please contact the Park Office at (805) 482-5396.