Pitts Ranch Park - Pickleball
Pitts Ranch Park now contains 2 multi/dual-use tennis and pickleball courts. Players for both sports will now follow a dedicated schedule when there are players waiting for court space to play.
Location: 1400 Flynn Road, Camarillo
General Court Hours:
Tennis- 7:00 a.m.- Dusk.
Pickleball- 8:00 a.m.- Dusk
*Courts are NOT lighted.
*Courts are on a First-Come, First-Served basis.
*No private court reservations are permitted.
Court Priority Schedule:
Court/Pickleball Rotational Playing Rules:
- Courts are on a First-Come, First-Served basis.
- When unreserved courts are full and others are waiting to play, courts cannot be used by the same 4 players for more than 1 game. Games are played to 11, win by 2, but games must end at 15 points.
- Players waiting for an unreserved court should place paddles in provided rack, in order of arrival.
- When a game is finished, all 4 players will vacate the court.
- When an unreserved court is vacated, "Next Up" should move the paddle to the next position and take the court.