Robert Kelley, District 2

Robert “Buddy” Kelley and his wife, Kathleen, are lifetime Ventura County residents. They moved their family of six to Camarillo in 1988, and spent many happy years raising their children and participating in local sports programs. Buddy and Kathleen now enjoy the company of their two dogs and spend plenty of time playing with their seven grandchildren – all of whom reside in Camarillo.
Buddy has volunteered with the Eagles Soccer Club for many years. He has personally assisted hundreds of young athletes with achieving college scholarships and contributed to the athletic and personal development of thousands of players. His mission has always been to help children find a passion and to provide them with the opportunity to pursue it.
Buddy was instrumental on many levels on the Village at the Park project, now known as Pleasant Valley Fields. He also participated in the arrangement that gave Pony Baseball their current venue at Freedom Park.
As a District Board Member and current Vice Chair, he considers himself a fiscal conservative. Securing the funding for the two promised gymnasiums and remodel of the Senior Center remain on his bucket list for capital items of the Recreation and Park District.
Buddy currently practices law in Camarillo. He earned his undergraduate at UCLA and received his law degree from Pepperdine University. In his spare time, he restores vintage muscle cars and trains youth goalkeepers. He deeply appreciates his supporters, and thanks them, sincerely, for their trust.
First elected in November 2010, re-elected in November 2014, 2018, and 2022.
Standing Committees
Ethics AB1234 Training Certificate