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Summer Concert Series

Summer Concert Series 2025 in Camarillo, featuring bands like Gold Rush, dates from June to August, free admission, 7-9 PM.

Saturdays in June-August

Constitution Park
601 Carmen Dr., Camarillo

Partnered with the City of Camarillo, we present the Annual Summer Concert Series! Bring your blankets, lawn chairs, and picnics, then sit back and relax too the sounds of summer! A variety of Food Trucks will be on-site and available for purchases at all four concerts. 

Concerts are free and well attended. On-site parking is limited and reserved for cars displaying handicap placards until the lot is full. Please view the parking map below.

Cost: Free

  • Live Bands 
    • Bands are subject to change
  • Food Trucks
  • Night under the stars


Summer Concert Series Flyer


Chair Placement:

Chair placement starts at 6pm the Friday before the concert. Seating is on the lawn on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Items left before this time will be removed. Please do not use stakes,  plastic tarps, or roping/ taping off areas- these items will be removed. Umbrellas or chairs with canopies are not permitted. Items left in the park are placed at your own risk. 





Hotels for Out-of-Towners:

Are you coming from out of town? Go to Visit Camarillo's website for a one-stop shop to view places to stay if your coming from out of town. 


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Vendor Opportunities:

Summer Concert Series vendors are exculsive to food trucks and sponsors only.  If you are a food vendor complete a vendor application for consideration to be a vendor at this event. This is a great opportunity for you to be able to increase sales and gain new customers! 

  •  Application Deadline:  April 25, 2025
Summer Concert Series Vendor Application



Sponsorship Opportunities:

Summer Concert Series sponsorship packages with event dates and details on benefits for Supporter and Community Champ tiers.

















  • Community Champ level is sold.

Contact Kaleen at or 805.482.1996 x 117.




Sam Silveria, Recreation Specialist, 805.482.1996 x116



Event Highlights